Domain SSL

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Domain SSL

SSL certificates are available to everyone: individual entrepreneurs, businesses, organizations and government institutions. There is no need to submit documents or go through phone checks. All you need to do is confirm your domain ownership.

Product Name Certification Center Suitable for Confidence level Warranty Price
GoGetSSL Domain SSL GoGetSSL Personal website Base 50,000$



Data protection through connection encryption

An SSL certificate encrypts data transmitted between the user and the server, protecting it from interception and unauthorized access.

Increase user confidence in the website

The presence of an SSL certificate indicates the security of the site, which increases user trust and their confidence in the protection of personal data.

Improving SEO rankings in search engines

Search engines such as Google give preference to websites with SSL certificates, which helps to increase their position in search results.

Prevent your website from being marked as "not secure"

Without an SSL certificate, browsers can mark a website as insecure, which scares away visitors and reduces traffic to the site.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do you need an SSL certificate?

An SSL certificate protects the personal data of website users. It is a so-called guarantee that fraudsters will not intercept important and confidential information and use it for their own purposes. It can be credit card details or any personal information. A website that has a green padlock icon in the address bar is more trusted by users and will be better ranked by search engines and, accordingly, will have a better position in the search results.

Do I need an SSL certificate for all websites?

Yes, an SSL certificate is recommended for all websites as it increases user trust and helps improve SEO rankings.

Does an SSL certificate improve my website's position in search engines?

Yes, having an SSL certificate is one of the ranking factors that positively affects SEO and improves the visibility of a website in search engines.

What is the cost of an SSL certificate?

The price of an SSL certificate depends on several factors, namely
- the billing period;
- certification center;
- type of certificate;
- number of domains.

What happens if an SSL certificate is not installed?

Without an SSL certificate, your site can be labeled as insecure, which scares users away and can negatively impact your reputation and traffic.

How does a DV SSL certificate differ from other types of certificates?

DV (Domain Validation) SSL certificates are issued faster and easier than other types of certificates. To obtain them, it is enough to confirm the ownership of the domain, and there is no need to confirm the existence of the company. Thanks to this, even an individual can obtain a DV certificate.

Who issues SSL certificates?

Certificates are issued by specialized Certification Authorities - they guarantee the authenticity of the websites to which these certificates are issued. CAs verify the domain name and the company/organization to which it belongs. At the moment, we offer SSL certificates from the largest and most reliable Certification Authorities.
