
This section provides answers to the most frequently asked questions from visitors and clients. Using this section will allow you to answer most of your questions, but if this is not the case, we are ready to offer our assistance in any messenger or chat on the site that is convenient for you.

1. What is the 14-day trial period?

You can take a free hosting test for 14 days. During this time, you will evaluate our hosting: server performance and channel width, quality of technical support. For testing, you will receive the hosting package of your choice, which does not differ from the paid service.

2. Will you help me transfer or set up my website?

Yes, ordering the service includes an option to help you transfer your projects to us or set up the servers for the first time. To do this, after ordering the services you need, contact technical support with a corresponding request.

3. What is the difference between a domain name and web hosting?

Your domain is like an address, and web hosting is like the house you live in. If you want to run a website, you need a domain name where people can find you and a hosting service where your website will be stored. Domains and hosting are interconnected, like programs and a computer or yin and yang. While one can exist without the other, they work better when they are together, which is why many hosts offer domain registration and why many registrars offer hosting. Of course you can separate them and buy a domain from one company and hosting from another. However, this is more time-consuming, not to mention more expensive, the question is why?

4. We wanted to buy a domain, but it turned out to be taken. What to do?

If the domain name you want to take is already taken, then it is better to look for other options. For example, maybe you can add another word to your name or replace it with another word. Perhaps you can register it with a different extension, for example, using a ccTLD instead of a .com domain. Another option would be to use hyphens, so that instead of mywebsitename.com, you could use my-website-name.com. Be careful, because you don't want to cause confusion by being similar to someone else's name. Finding the right domain name requires a little creativity and a little knowledge. It also often takes patience and a lot of trial and error. But this is also normal. Remember, the right domain name is out there somewhere. All you need to do is search until you find it.

5. How long does it take to register a domain?

Very fast! By the way, we offer fast domain registration and activation, so you can be sure that your domain will be ready for use right away. Even better, we have made the registration process as quick and convenient as possible. It only takes a couple of minutes to register a domain.

6. What is a TLD?

TLD stands for 'top-level domain' and indicates the last part of a web address after the final dot. Examples: .com, .gov and .org. You can't have a website without a TLD and each domain must have its own name (like hosting) and TLD (like .in.ua). The great thing about TLDs is that they always carry some information about the site they point to, except for .com, which originally meant 'commercial' but is now used by anyone. Other examples include .org (organization), .edu (education) and .gov (government). The TLD category can be divided into two: country code top-level domains (ccTLDs) and generic top-level domains (gTLDs).

7. What is a free SSL certificate?

A free SSL certificate is suitable for small projects. An example of such a certificate is Let's Encrypt. The certificate guarantees strong encryption, is issued for a 90-day period, and supports up to 100 subdomains. It is automatically renewed every 3 months, and in some cases, renewal should be done manually. It is rational to use the free option for a small blog, forum, one-page website, or promotional page. For other large projects, online stores, and company websites, it is recommended to install a paid SSL certificate. This increases user trust and prevents possible leakage of personal data.

8. Why do I need an SSL certificate?

An SSL certificate protects the personal data of website users. It is a so-called guarantee that fraudsters will not intercept important and confidential information and use it for their own purposes. It can be credit card details or any personal information. A website that has a green padlock icon in the address bar is more trusted by users and will be better ranked by search engines and, accordingly, will have a better position in the search results.

9. Who issues SSL certificates?

Certificates are issued by specialized Certification Authorities - they guarantee the authenticity of the websites to which these certificates are issued. CAs verify the domain name and the company/organization to which it belongs. Currently, we offer SSL certificates from the largest and most reliable GoGetSSL Certification Authorities.

10. Is it possible to install a free certificate

For most shared hosting plans, a free certificate is provided, which is suitable for small projects. An example of such a certificate is Let's Encrypt. The certificate guarantees strong encryption, is issued for a 90-day period, and supports up to 100 subdomains. It is automatically renewed every 3 months, and in some cases, renewal must be done manually.
