Configuring the server for the site (WordPress and other CMS)

HomepageSoftware ServicesBy requestConfiguring the server for the site...

Installing the required software versions

Setting up services: nginx, apache or php-fpm, MySQL, SSL

Transferring a website

(One Time)

▸ Data reliability and security
▸ Data centers in Ukraine and abroad
▸ Affordable price
▸ Round-the-clock technical support

24/7 technical support

Round-the-clock customer service without delays, instant response to technical problems to ensure stable operation.

One-time payment

A one-time package that includes a full range of services for software installation and configuration.

You may need this service if you have a high-traffic website and shared hosting is no longer enough. We install fast software versions, optimize settings, and configure caching. We also configure system parameters and install a firewall.

The service includes

Performing the work:

We work with the following operating systems:

Most Popular Services

Reliability 100% result
Configuring virtualization on the server

Configuring virtualization on the server

Reliability 100% result
Panel installation and server configuration

Panel installation and server configuration

Reliability 100% result
Configuring the server for the site (WordPress and other CMS)

Configuring the server for the site (WordPress and other CMS)

Support Monitoring
Server START

Server START

