Panel installation and server configuration

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Installing the control pane

Installing the required versions of standard software

Setting up services

OS: CentOS, RedHat, Debian, CloudLinux

(One Time)

▸ Data reliability and security
▸ Data centers in Ukraine and abroad
▸ Affordable price
▸ Round-the-clock technical support

24/7 technical support

Round-the-clock customer service without delays, instant response to technical problems to ensure stable operation.

One-time payment

A one-time package that includes a full range of services for software installation and configuration.

You may need this service if you are not satisfied with the installation of the panel with standard parameters. You can choose the required software versions (PHP, MySQL, Apache, etc.), as well as additional fine-tuning of system parameters and firewall installation.

The service includes

Execution of work:

We work with the following operating systems:

Most Popular Services

Reliability 100% result
Panel installation and server configuration

Panel installation and server configuration

Reliability 100% result
Configuring virtualization on the server

Configuring virtualization on the server

Reliability 100% result
Configuring the server for the site (WordPress and other CMS)

Configuring the server for the site (WordPress and other CMS)

Support Monitoring
Server START

Server START

